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Q     Where will I live during my study abroad program?

A      We have separate hostel for Indian students which student can make it home.

Q     What kind of food will be served to the Indian student?

A      Indian food will be served by our cook during their stay at Georgia.

Q     Can I work during my studies in Georgia ?

A      You can not work while you are studying in Georgia as per the law.

Q     Can I work after completeing MBBS studies in Georgia?

A      You can work. Most of the student prefers for higher studies as it is very easy to get admission in the Universities in UK, US or Germany.

Q     Is there an upper age limit to study medicine in Georgia?

A      There are no upper age limit to study MBBS in Georgia.

Q     I have already completed part of a degree in medicine at another university. Is it possible to transfer to the Georgia?

A      Student cannot take transfer in middle of the program.

Q     I have clinical experience in a non-medical profession, but not the required academic qualifications/grades, and now wish to train as a Doctor. What can I do?

A      Student can apply for admission only if they have the basic eligibility. (ie 12th science with PCB)